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Schleitheim Press is Accessible, Relevant Literature Grounded in Anabaptist Principles and Christian Faith.

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New Releases and More on the Way!
We are excited about the many titles that are coming out in our 2022 launch year. We have a number of originals set for publication, including And If I Don’t by April Klassen, Life With God by Jordan Chanin, and the children’s book A Tray of Chocolate Chip Cookies by Elfrieda Dick and Ivy Warnock.
In addition to these one-off projects, Schleitheim Press is proud of our two ongoing series: Anabaptist Classics and Legacy of Faith. Our Anabaptist Classics series offers accessible and affordable writings of historical value, great importance and relevance to the church today. A couple slated for release in 2022 and 2023 are The Fateful Years: A Mennonite in Russia, 1913-1923 by Gerhard Lohrenz and Early Anabaptist Confessions of Faith, which includes confessions from the major streams of Anabaptism over its first 100 years. The second series, Living Testimonies shares the lives of faith of Godly men and women. The first of these are The Story of David & Sara Pauls, and Chosen to Bear Fruit, the story of Nettie Burg, a missionary to Zaire and Congo.